Monday, August 30, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Antigua State College to Seaport

This is the most peaceful waters I have ever seen for a beach.  It basically whispered tranquility to my ears when I got there.  Seaport is an extension of an extensive mangrove in the Jennings Village area.  This was my first visit to that particular area, and one of the hikers said what always go through my mind, Antigua is a beautiful place with beautiful places I have never seen before!  Every hike shows me places that make the tourist come again and again, and I live here.  Another great hike....memories for a lifetime.
And pictures of the beautiful, peaceful beach
And on our way back, we took a new route
And I cannot forget some other interesting pictures.

Friday, August 27, 2010

At the beach....visit to my Friday reading spot

Jabberwock Beach is a favourite spot for persons who are taking a break for lunch, or just looking for a quiet spot.  For me, it's my place to read the Friday newspaper or just to take a break.  I got just a few snaps of some guys doing water spots.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Halfmoon Bay to Soldiers Point

My usual hike was a bit shorter than I expected.  This hike was to Halfmoon bay, once a porch hotel for overseas high rollers which has been abandoned for years.  Despite the years of litigation, at least I can enjoy the beach, the hike, and the two beaches in that area, Halfmoon Bay and MillReef. The pictures tell the story.
View of Half Moon Bay Hotel-defunct
Sunrise....good morning!

And shots of Soldier's Point.  The story goes that an very wealthy gentleman started to construct his home at the top of Soldier's Point and passed away before completion.  There was a complete lookout patio and remnants of a road and gate.
And back to Halfmoon Bay...the water is a little rough, but the group had a blast. 
 A friend and I walked over to MillReef, another exclusive area and back, adding to our little adventure.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Antigua Carnival 2010: More Groups and interesting shots!

Carnival is really the one time, people go all out with celebrating, with 2 days of public holidays, everyone, from politician to children celebrate.  And that allows me to get some interesting shots of people really celebrating carnival. 
Trust me when I say there were a lot more pictures, some I don't think I can show (to protect the tipsy offenders..LOL!!!).  But I enjoyed the parade and watched it a second time at a different location to just enjoy carnival barcanal, and see old friends!!