Monday, May 31, 2010

Saturday Adventure: 2-foot Bay

This group continues to amaze me.  Sometimes I think I don't live in my little tropical paradise at all.  The question always come up, "how do they find these places?"  I have lived here for most of my life, and every place I have been with this group has been new to me.  I feel like a tourist!  This is like having a staycation every weekend.

Saturday's walk was from West Indies Oil to 2-foot bay.  Well the beach was not really 2 feet, more like quite a few feet, but it was like having your own tiny beach.  I could imagine having a beach bash and it would just be wild!  Although we got caught in a heavy downpour, I still had a great walk.  I am looking forward to next week.

And of course, we walked to the beach and enjoyed walking back, soaked down with refreshing rain water!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Halcyon Beach Hotel

This is not my regular beach, but I had an opportunity to go to Halcyon Beach Hotel.  My friend wanted to work on her diving skills, I just enjoy the serenity of the water.  

It also rained a bit while there and I got some great shots.

 There were also some amusing things I found.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ms. Fix it - Window Winder

There are times when I am just broke or just being cheap, but I digress.  I enjoy "shopping around" for a good price and exposure to different items that might be available.

One of the winders not only stopped performing it's function, but broke.  So what do I do until I can a replacement, I fabricated a no-cost fix.

This is just temporary as it will just not work as a long-term solution.  Why worry about spilled milk, when you have a bucket and a mop!

Monday, May 24, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Big Creek to Green Castle Hill

The 5am hikers group is great.  I keep wondering how they come up with such great places to hike to.  Although this is only my second hike, I do it more for the places than the exercise.  Of course the exercise is great, but these are places I will not get to visit very often unless I am in a group.  Today really reminded me of my childhood excursions in my back yard! Lots of beautiful views.

This hike was so tough, breaks were needed.  And I mean every step of the way.

This was a true hike.  Not much flat area and a challenging uphill hike to Green Castle Hill.  I didn't find a castle (joke: there really is no castle), but the view was to spectacular.  Not quite a 360 degree view but close enough.

This is a view of what is known as "Body Pond" located in Buckleys.  It is area that the EAG (Environmental Awareness Group) is working hard to plant trees and reduce the presence of Fever Grass.

This is a direct view of Buggy Peak (renamed as Mount Obama)

It has been raining for the past few days and there was a very light drizzle when I  left home but, a heavy downpour never materialized.

I even made a new friend!

Friday, May 21, 2010

At the beach...

Funny things happen at my favourite beach.  I was relaxing and enjoying my Friday newspaper and this really big bus pulled up beside me.  Guess he wanted to take a break in between shifts.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I made it-flat bread pizza

I am not a cook.  My utensils and pots complain of favouritism.  So when I do experiment, I go big.  The experiments should be cheap, but sometimes I get carried away.  Well this one was not much of an expense besides the expense of shredded cheese.  It's just cheaper to shred your own cheese.  Unfortunately, I need to invest in a grater.

Basic ingredients included flat bread, cheap cheese, tomato paste, tomato sauce, pepperoni and some seasonings.  The pepperoni was a bit salty (as it should be) so I don't think I will do it again.  Next time, I want green pepper, onions, bacon, ham.......this is making me so hungry!

Monday, May 17, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Hermitage Bay

Trying out a hiking group my sister told me about.  I didn't think it would be anything to talk about, but my first hike was nothing short of amazing.  First trip to this Bay.  I was trying to count the beaches but we didn't stay close to the course to get anything accurate.  It was so beautiful.