Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Electrical Excitement June

**Nerd** warning.

Still going kinda strong.

It might seem weird that I am referring to a June bill when July is almost complete. 

That's because the meter was read the first week of July, billed in July, and payment expected in August. 

So that means for a 30-day period the bill is $129.46 which is not at all good.  That is almost a $10 difference from May's bill.  With the discount for paying by the due date, the actual bill is $116.51.

I am not very happy with this at all.  Things I can't control is the time of the year and the Summer heat.  I don't mind sweating, but this is really tough at night, I just end up being miserable and unable to sleep.

30 day Billing Recap

Jan $155.52 ugh!
Feb $166.47 OMG, WTH
Mar $130.61 Goal!
Apr $147.85 Goal! not low enough
May $108.15 New Low!! OMG...I can't believe it
Jun $116.51 Goal, but I am not happy, wrong direction

Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Wallings Dam

According to island saying, we really went through a portion of Fig Tree Drive and a portion of Antigua's Rain forest.  There is a zip line activity area, but I have never been...I prefer to keep my feet solidly on the ground.  Okay, it's also so-not-free activity, and for now out of my financial reach.   There was the usual uphill, downhill, flat area hike....loved it.
 After the hike, there is always a "beach time" as I found out.  I always thought, if the hike did not end up at a beach, that was the end of the hike.  Well, my friend and I decided to go to the beach this time, but not for swimming or soaking as we West Indians do, but for her to scrub her tennis.  So I used the opportunity to take some beach shots at Morris Bay.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A what? A dishwasher? What is that?

Have you ever watched the commercial for Mr. Clean Clean Eraser?  There's the part where one of the bottle sprayers asked "what's a sh-o-el?".  Too funny.

Reading a lot of frugal blogs, forum, the dishwasher is always mentioned.  I have even read some people touting the dishwasher as a water saver compared to a bit of hand washing.  I don't know. 

I have never owed or used a dishwasher.  Not even on vacation when there was one available.  Why?

Maybe it's a cultural thing.  I grew up washing dishes.  At my grandmother's house, we thought it was fun.  I was quite a competent dishwasher at the tender age of seven (7).  But as I got older, at my house I was the everyday dishwasher.  Not fun.  This went on for years until I left for college.  Spending my Christmas breaks in New York City, my relatives had no dishwasher either, but I was happy to do as I was staying with them on the break rent-free.  I also was happy to do a lot of housework as I was bored!

Having my own place, I really don't care much for dish-washing.  It's a necessary evil as I see it.  However, I have never had the thought cross my mind of getting a dishwasher.  I have a double sink which I fill up with an adequate amount of water and wash the few dishes I use on a daily basis.  I think if you continuous run the water tap and wash dishes, then obviously having a dishwasher might be a better water saver.  Even if you have a single sink, filling up with water and using a dishpan will save water.

But I am a family of one, not four (use to be!).  I don't use that many dishes per day.  In fact, I leave Saturday dishes for Sunday (yeah!, yeah! you think I'm a nasty girl!). 

The principles I apply now can be applied to an entire family.  Children do what parents do, it's called emulation.  The things I learned early on was what my family did around me, good and bad.  I learned to dish-wash at my grandmother's house from my aunts and uncles and my dear grandma.  I don't recall my first time, I just recall all us cousins getting excited about who's turn it was.  It was not the sole job of one person, it was a team effort at Grandma's house.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Monks Hill & Jacobs Hill

Monk's hill.  What can I say, all that walking was worth the top of the hill view.  While we don't have mountains in Antigua, we sure have lots of hills.  This is also a tourist trail, so it was well marked out.  While we did veer away from the route, my endurance is improving.  I didn't need any well intended breaks besides taking a few shots.  As usual, the pictures are proof, now I am wishing I had a better camera...oh well...come here and see the view for yourself!

I do have a bit of a joke about the cow shot.  There was also another cow on the path, but there was no way I was messing with that fella, those hones were hugh!!!!

I also have some bonus shots on our way home after the hike.  This is one of our water sources, Potworks Dam, on the island.  This can actually go dry during droughts.  But we have been having a lot of rain.

Another wonderful Saturday morning!

Friday, July 16, 2010

It's like Pizza Madness

I did it again.  My flat bread pizza came out fabulous.  I got my onions, green pepper, bacon, pepperoni, mouth is just watering.  Delicious!  It looked much better than the first batch I tried and it tasted even better.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Electrical Excitement: May Recap

**Nerd** warning.

This is so so crazy!

My May bill is here! For a 30-day period the bill is $120.16! And for paying by the due date, the discount will bring it down to $108.15.  That is almost $30 below goal!!!!!!!

Can I do even better, I don't think so, cause the June bill will be read within the next few weeks and there is nothing I can do now.  Plus, it has been hot! hot! hot!

30 day Billing Recap

Jan $155.52 ugh!
Feb $166.47 OMG, WTH
Mar $130.61 Goal!
Apr $147.85 Goal! not low enough
May $108.15 New Low!! OMG...I can't believe it!!!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Yet Another Adventure: The Fishing Trip

Finally can say I went on a fishing trip!

Didn't catch a thing, but it was quite an interesting trip as there was a great downpour of rain.  It didn't affect us as much as those in the city, as the sudden downpour was accompanied by thunder and it's girlfriend lightning and some serious inches of rain.  As usual, I had my amateur camera along.

This was an egret, which I managed to get a good shot of on our way to the fishing spot.
I don't think the picture does justice to the size of this bird.  I wonder if he got any fish.
I kept seeing these small crabs, I managed to get snapshots of just 2.
And the rest of shots are from the pier and just some interesting shots.
And then the weather changed....suddenly.
And within a few minutes went back to an early morning sunrise, but in the wrong direction.
And of was fun, even though we caught nothing!!
And just to prove we did some fishing...