Monday, July 12, 2010

Yet Another Adventure: The Fishing Trip

Finally can say I went on a fishing trip!

Didn't catch a thing, but it was quite an interesting trip as there was a great downpour of rain.  It didn't affect us as much as those in the city, as the sudden downpour was accompanied by thunder and it's girlfriend lightning and some serious inches of rain.  As usual, I had my amateur camera along.

This was an egret, which I managed to get a good shot of on our way to the fishing spot.
I don't think the picture does justice to the size of this bird.  I wonder if he got any fish.
I kept seeing these small crabs, I managed to get snapshots of just 2.
And the rest of shots are from the pier and just some interesting shots.
And then the weather changed....suddenly.
And within a few minutes went back to an early morning sunrise, but in the wrong direction.
And of was fun, even though we caught nothing!!
And just to prove we did some fishing...