Monday, July 19, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Monks Hill & Jacobs Hill

Monk's hill.  What can I say, all that walking was worth the top of the hill view.  While we don't have mountains in Antigua, we sure have lots of hills.  This is also a tourist trail, so it was well marked out.  While we did veer away from the route, my endurance is improving.  I didn't need any well intended breaks besides taking a few shots.  As usual, the pictures are proof, now I am wishing I had a better camera...oh well...come here and see the view for yourself!

I do have a bit of a joke about the cow shot.  There was also another cow on the path, but there was no way I was messing with that fella, those hones were hugh!!!!

I also have some bonus shots on our way home after the hike.  This is one of our water sources, Potworks Dam, on the island.  This can actually go dry during droughts.  But we have been having a lot of rain.

Another wonderful Saturday morning!