Monday, June 28, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Christian Valley to Boggy Peak

Bogey Peak (Mount Obama) is the highest point in Antigua.  Higher than the killer McNish.  The group on this hick was small compared to the usual gathering, non the less, it was still a good time.  I think most people figured it would rain and be mucky because there was a heavy downpour the previous evening.  Well! Not a single drop, nada, zilch, zero....but I digress.  However, it was mucky.
As usual, we start off together and end up in disjointed groups or singles.  For a while, I was walking by myself and could see the back of one hiker ever so often.  At one point I had a very nice hiking buddy, thank goodness, cause he helped me maneuver some rocks as well as very muddy areas.  But at one point, I was ahead of him and I got too far ahead of him. 

Being by myself, I had time to listen to the water fall (in this dry island with low rainfall), check out the bamboo trees, and just have a time of tranquility.  Other times, I was busy pretending I was in the jungle trying to survive and make my way out (bad movie).
 The trail led to a paved road which was the final route to the top.  This is where my buddy caught up with me.  Company is always good.  There were some areas I had to careful to sidestep the moss to avoid the end result of falling.
 When we got to the top, we were required to "touch the fence" as the rite of passage.
Being the highest point of the island, it is also where they are antennas and what not.  Although the very top was fenced in, I was happy to make it, and chat up new friends while waiting for the stragglers to make it!

I must say, the best part was coming down.  Going up required leg power and holding on to trees.  coming down required holding on to the same trees but trying not to end up on your butt because of the mud.  One lady fell on her butt twice, of course we laughed, but she was not hurt.
At the end of it all, every one sat down at picnic benches and enjoyed the fruits of the earth and a nice chat up.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Saturday Adventure -- Willikies School to Nonsuch Bay

Compared to McNise, this was a breeze! Actually compared to everything I have done so far, McNise was the killer.  I have heard comments that we went off trail....but, I am not complaining at all, I loved it.

Back on track, to this adventure....

It was lovely, there was an uphill section, but it was minor.  I had an opportunity to see another mangrove and of course a lovely beach.  As usual, the views and the experience was worth every step.

 These are a few pictures I took as I huffed and puffed after going up a tiny incline.

This view was the best.  The sun was making it's royal appearance on the horizon.
 I am so envious of the persons who get to stay at this hotel.  Of course, the residents of this area probably have a great view as well, but I don't live there...sniff! sniff!

 From this view, you can see one of several mangroves on the island.
Part of the hike was along the coastal section, opposite a mangrove

Just some plants I saw along the way.
And of course the best part is always when we get to the end of the hike.
And of course, the best shot of the shoes dying!

Monday, June 07, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Getting my butt kicked!

I am thoroughly convinced that I have no endurance what so ever.  I got my butt whooped by McNish.  The best hike on my list so far.  I didn't think I could make the upward climb and said silent prayers as there was no way I could turn back or take a long rest.  My only option was to keep climbing.  If I was an emotional person, I would have done the Rocky Balboa dance at the top.  I had to hang unto the back of guy's t-shirt to help me along.  Once at the top, the prize was the view.  Once I was at the top, I forgot all about the hike up, but for sure did not want to go down the same way.  The route down was the most scenic.  I couldn't take pictures on the way, but took lots of those on the way down.

This is the only picture I took when we started the uphill trek.  It got worse!!!!
This is where I felt flat on my butt!
The brush and palm trees were thick and high.
Lots of mango trees, but they were all still green.
The trees in this area were very tall.  That is one very very tall coconut tree!
Some type of stream flows here doing the rainy season.

***THE END***