Friday, June 04, 2010

Do empty vessels always make the most noise?

According to my grandmother, they do.....She always said this, "empty vessels make the most noise"...along with some others things I am still trying to comprehend.  But really, do they?

Maybe the answer is yes....maybe it's no.

I recently tuned in to a radio show and the guest was a real estate prospector, for want of a better description, speaking of a new up and coming development.  But his communication style was much to be desired.  He was busy making a lot of noise.  He came off as being argumentative, abrasive, loud, and I could say more, but those descriptions will suffice.

On a personal level, I was really put off by his whole approach.  I have never met this individual but I can assuredly say that I already have preconceived notions in my head about him.  I was not enticed by his development but instead felt the need to do a "watch and see" what happens with this one.

My tropical paradise has had many crooks in this arena with sometimes the poor woman down the road loosing a good chunk of those hard earned dollars for pie in the sky dreams!

It appeared this individual knew of this, but maybe he was too caught up in "trying to do something for the people!"

This could be an earnest individual who really wants the best for that particular community, but he really needs to calm down and communicate in a more effective manner.

But maybe his grandmother never told him, empty vessels make the most noise.