Monday, June 21, 2010

Saturday Adventure -- Willikies School to Nonsuch Bay

Compared to McNise, this was a breeze! Actually compared to everything I have done so far, McNise was the killer.  I have heard comments that we went off trail....but, I am not complaining at all, I loved it.

Back on track, to this adventure....

It was lovely, there was an uphill section, but it was minor.  I had an opportunity to see another mangrove and of course a lovely beach.  As usual, the views and the experience was worth every step.

 These are a few pictures I took as I huffed and puffed after going up a tiny incline.

This view was the best.  The sun was making it's royal appearance on the horizon.
 I am so envious of the persons who get to stay at this hotel.  Of course, the residents of this area probably have a great view as well, but I don't live there...sniff! sniff!

 From this view, you can see one of several mangroves on the island.
Part of the hike was along the coastal section, opposite a mangrove

Just some plants I saw along the way.
And of course the best part is always when we get to the end of the hike.
And of course, the best shot of the shoes dying!