Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Electrical Excitement: May Recap

**Nerd** warning.

This is so so crazy!

My May bill is here! For a 30-day period the bill is $120.16! And for paying by the due date, the discount will bring it down to $108.15.  That is almost $30 below goal!!!!!!!

Can I do even better, I don't think so, cause the June bill will be read within the next few weeks and there is nothing I can do now.  Plus, it has been hot! hot! hot!

30 day Billing Recap

Jan $155.52 ugh!
Feb $166.47 OMG, WTH
Mar $130.61 Goal!
Apr $147.85 Goal! not low enough
May $108.15 New Low!! OMG...I can't believe it!!!