Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday Adventure: Wallings Dam

According to island saying, we really went through a portion of Fig Tree Drive and a portion of Antigua's Rain forest.  There is a zip line activity area, but I have never been...I prefer to keep my feet solidly on the ground.  Okay, it's also so-not-free activity, and for now out of my financial reach.   There was the usual uphill, downhill, flat area hike....loved it.
 After the hike, there is always a "beach time" as I found out.  I always thought, if the hike did not end up at a beach, that was the end of the hike.  Well, my friend and I decided to go to the beach this time, but not for swimming or soaking as we West Indians do, but for her to scrub her tennis.  So I used the opportunity to take some beach shots at Morris Bay.