Friday, July 09, 2010

Electrical Excitement: April Recap

Another good month....below the $150 goal for a 30-day period.

I choose the 30-day period to get an accurate figure for proper comparison.  Billing is done with varying days.  For last year the billing period ranged from 26-35 days.  Along with that variation is the variable fuel charge which goes up and down.  The variable fuel charge sometimes makes me feel like I am fighting a losing battle.

I have also continue to use the fan a little more than the previous months so I will have to monitor the electrical impact. 

As mentioned before, it is easier for me to ignore the heat in the day as I am busy doing things and can position myself at a strategically cool location.  At bedtime, that's a different story.  I have to close the curtains, the doors, and some windows.

The good thing is that it has been raining more in the evenings and things just cool down.

30 day Billing Recap for 2010

Jan $155.52 ugh!
Feb $166.47 OMG, WTH
Mar $130.61 Goal!
Apr $147.85 Goal! not low enough